Sally Salon Services
Simplifying the purchase journey
The client
Beauty supplies market leader, Sally Salon Services worked with us to help them create a new way of providing ordering services to their clients across the 600 UK based stores. They were aware that their users wanted a simpler process and we provided a solution for their needs.
The challenge
Sally Salon Services asked us to draw on our experience of customer journey design and development to help them re-focus the in store and online service offerings around their user requirements. This process would help validate vital user information ahead of a major website redesign and modified in store offer.
The main objectives of the project were to:
• Facilitate a series of workshops, fleshing out three primary personas as typical users of the website and stores.
• Use those personas to inform the creation of a series of user journey maps and service design blueprints.
• Identify the main service focus for the organization both offline and online across all devices, web, tablet and mobile.
• Begin to prototype the journeys and test the propositions in-store.
Our approach
We wanted to be able to provide a solid platform to help the team develop phase 1 of their new service design. Sally needed us to help them move to the initial step of the service design so that the concept could be sold in to the senior stakeholder team.
We thought that a sensible approach would be to help provide the initial service vision and build some initial proofs of concept that we could test in store with the managers and potential customers.
We initially video interviewed the customers to obtain feedback and to identify their buying behaviours in store and find out more about their drivers for purchase decisions.
This information was analysed with the team over a series of workshops and we developed customer journey maps and service blueprints that were then evolved in to a proof of concept interface to be tested with users in store.
“We needed a framework to start the new development and we found working with Channel Dynamics has been a really straightforward and well planned journey. We’ve found them to be professional in their approach and are clearly experienced in this service design field.”Head of Service at Sally Salon Services
The results
The new proofs of concept were well received by potential customers and Sally Salon Services are now planning to develop the proofs of concepts in to a next phase service offering in-store and online.